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There are multiple ways to bring in JSON arrays in Excel that only have one dimension. One of the simplest methods is:

  1. Open a new workbook in Excel.
  2. Go to the "Data" tab and select "From Other Sources."
  3. Select "From Web" in the drop-down menu and enter the URL containing the JSON data.
  4. Click "OK" and the "Import Data" dialog box will appear.
  5. Select "JSON" from the left-hand menu and select the option that best matches your data structure.
  6. Click "Load" to import the data into Excel.

If the JSON data is not available online, it can be saved as a file and imported into Excel.

  1. Save the JSON data in a text file with the .json file extension.
  2. Open a new workbook in Excel.
  3. Go to the "Data" tab and select "From Other Sources."
  4. Select "From File" and browse for the saved JSON file.
  5. Select "JSON" from the left-hand menu and select the option that best matches your data structure.
  6. Click "Load" to import the data into Excel.

Once the JSON data is imported, it can be further manipulated or analyzed using Excel functions and tools.