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To link a booking to a flight using ASP.NET MVC, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a model for your booking and flight entities with their respective properties.
  2. Create a database table for bookings and flights with a foreign key relationship between them.
  3. Use Entity Framework to establish the relationship between your Booking and Flight entities.
  4. Create a booking form for customers to input their flight details and book their flights.
  5. Once the customer submits the booking form, create an action in your Booking controller to save the booking details to the database.
  6. In the booking action, find the Flight entity that matches the flight details selected by the customer.
  7. Link the Booking entity to the Flight entity using the foreign key relationship established in step 3.
  8. Save the changes to the database using the SaveChanges method.
  9. Display a confirmation message to the customer indicating that their booking has been successfully linked to a flight.

Overall, the main idea is to establish a foreign key relationship between the booking and flight entities in the database and then link them together in the code when the customer is booking their flight.