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To exclude the initial bytes of a file while utilizing numpy.lib.format.open_memmap, you can use the "offset" parameter.

The "offset" parameter allows you to specify the number of bytes to skip from the beginning of the file.

For example, if you want to exclude the first 100 bytes of a file named "data.bin", you can use the following code:

import numpy as np

# Define the shape and data type of the memmap array
shape = (1000,)
dtype = np.float32

# Set the offset parameter to skip the first 100 bytes of the file
offset = 100

# Open the memory-mapped array
mm = np.lib.format.open_memmap("data.bin", mode="r", dtype=dtype, shape=shape, offset=offset)

In this example, "offset=100" tells numpy to skip the first 100 bytes of the "data.bin" file before mapping it to memory.