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The process of developing two databases in a Django application using docker-compose can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose on your local machine.
  2. Create a Django project using the django-admin startproject command.
  3. Define the two databases in your Django settings file ( For instance, you can define a default database and a secondary database.
  4. Define the environment variables for the two databases in a .env file. For instance, you can define POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_HOST, and POSTGRES_DB for the default database, and SECONDARY_DB_USER, SECONDARY_DB_PASSWORD, SECONDARY_DB_HOST, and SECONDARY_DB_NAME for the secondary database.
  5. Create a docker-compose.yml file that defines the two database services. For instance, you can define a db service for the default database and a secondary_db service for the secondary database.
  6. In the db service, use the official PostgreSQL image from Docker Hub and set the environment variables with the values from the .env file.
  7. In the secondary_db service, use the official MySQL image from Docker Hub and set the environment variables with the values from the .env file.
  8. Define a web service in the docker-compose.yml file for the Django application. This service should use the official Python image, mount the code directory as a volume, and link to the db and secondary_db services.
  9. Build and start the containers using the docker-compose up command.
  10. Run the Django migrations to create the tables in both databases using the python migrate command.

Once you have completed these steps, both databases should be accessible within your Django application. You can perform database operations on the default database using the default django.db package, and perform operations on the secondary database using a custom database router that routes queries to the appropriate database based on the app or model.