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There are several effective ways to establish a connection with an Apache IoTDB cluster version via code commands:

  1. Using JDBC API - JDBC driver can be used to connect to an IoTDB cluster instance programmatically. The JDBC driver is included in the IoTDB distribution package and can be used as a standard Java library.

  2. Using IoTDB Session Pool - IoTDB session pool provides a way to reuse connections to IoTDB cluster instances. It can be used to efficiently manage connections and optimize performance.

  3. Using IoTDB Client - IoTDB client provides a higher-level interface for interacting with the IoTDB cluster. It supports various operations such as reading and writing data, executing SQL queries, and managing metadata.

  4. Using IoTDB Rest API - IoTDB also offers a REST API for connecting to the cluster. This can be used to send requests to the cluster via HTTP requests.

All these methods are effective and can be used to establish a connection with Apache IoTDB cluster version via code commands. The choice of method depends on the specific use case and the level of abstraction required.