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There are different ways to transfer data from Azure Blob Storage to Excel on a Mac, depending on the format and size of the data.

One way is to use the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer to download the data as a CSV or TSV file, and then open it in Excel. Here are the steps:

  1. Install Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer on your Mac from the official website.
  2. Connect to your Azure Blob Storage account by adding the storage account name and access key.
  3. Navigate to the container or folder that contains the data you want to export.
  4. Select the files or blobs that you want to export.
  5. Right-click and choose "Download" from the context menu.
  6. Choose the export format (i.e., CSV or TSV) and the destination folder on your Mac where you want to save the file.
  7. Open Excel and choose "File" > "Open" > "Browse".
  8. Navigate to the saved file and open it in Excel.
  9. Excel will recognize the data format and display it in columns and rows.

Another way is to use the Azure Blob Storage REST API to retrieve the data in JSON or XML format and then convert it to a table or chart in Excel. This method requires some programming knowledge and familiarity with the REST API, as well as an authentication token and endpoint URL to access the Blob Storage. Here are a few resources to get started:

  • Microsoft documentation on using the REST API to work with Blob Storage
  • A tutorial on using Python to connect to Azure and load Blob Storage data into Excel
  • A video tutorial on using Power Query in Excel to import data from Blob Storage

Note that the data transfer speed and performance may vary depending on the size and location of the data, as well as the network connectivity and resources of your computer. It's recommended to test the transfer with a small sample of data before processing the whole dataset.