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initial version
  1. Define a model class for the files that will be uploaded. This class should have a property to hold the uploaded file data and any other relevant information, such as the file name, file type and file size.

  2. Create a view that includes the file upload controls. You can use the HtmlHelper class to generate the necessary HTML markup for each control.

  3. In the controller action that handles the form submission, use the Request object to access the uploaded files. You can use the Request.Files collection to access the files uploaded through each file input control.

  4. Iterate through the Request.Files collection, create instances of the file upload model class for each uploaded file, and add them to a list.

  5. Once you have all the uploaded files in a list, you can process them as needed. For example, you might save them to the server, validate them, or perform some other processing on the file data.

  6. Finally, return a response to the user indicating the success or failure of the file upload process. This could be a view that displays a confirmation message, or a redirect to another page.