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Sure, I can provide you with some guidance on how to generate a Stripe invoice in Node.js.

First, you will need to have the Stripe library installed and set up in your project. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install stripe --save

Once you have Stripe set up, you can create a new invoice object using the stripe.invoiceItems.create method. Here's an example of how to create a new invoice item:

const stripe = require('stripe')(YOUR_SECRET_KEY);

  customer: 'CUSTOMER_ID',
  amount: 1000,
  currency: 'usd',
  description: 'Test invoice item'
}, function(err, invoiceItem) {
  // asynchronously called

In the above example, CUSTOMER_ID should be replaced with the ID of the customer who you want to create an invoice for. You can retrieve the customer ID using the stripe.customers.list method.

Once you have created the invoice item, you can create an invoice using the stripe.invoices.create method. Here's an example:

  customer: 'CUSTOMER_ID'
}, function(err, invoice) {
  // asynchronously called

The above code will create a draft invoice for the specified customer. To finalize the invoice and send it to the customer, you can use the stripe.invoices.sendInvoice method:

  function(err, invoice) {
    // asynchronously called

In the above example, INVOICE_ID should be replaced with the ID of the invoice you want to send. You can retrieve the invoice ID using the stripe.invoices.list method.

That's it! This should give you a basic idea of how to generate a Stripe invoice in Node.js without using any pre-existing templates or code. If you have any further questions or need more specific help with your implementation, feel free to ask.