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To verify whether the items in your WPF listbox are being populated from your SQL Server, you can write Nunit test cases using the following steps:

  1. Create a test database on your SQL server with sample data to use in your test case.

  2. Write a test method that instantiates your view model or class that populates the listbox with data from your SQL Server.

  3. Use a mocking or mocking framework to mock the database connection and query execution.

  4. Invoke the method that populates the listbox, and assert that the listbox contains items that match the data in the mock database.

  5. Run the test to ensure that the listbox is populated correctly and that the test passes.

Here is some sample code for a test method:

[Test] public void TestListBoxPopulatedFromSql() { // Arrange var mockDbConnection = new Mock<idbconnection>(); var expectedData = new List<string> { "item1", "item2", "item3" }; mockDbConnection.Setup(c => c.Query<string>(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(expectedData);

var sut = new MyViewModel(mockDbConnection.Object);

// Act

// Assert
Assert.That(sut.ListBoxItems, Is.EqualTo(expectedData));


In this example, we are using the Moq mocking library to create a mock IDbConnection object that we will inject into our view model or class. We set up the mock to return some sample data when it is queried.

We then create an instance of our view model or class and pass in the mock IDbConnection. We invoke the method that populates the listbox and then assert that the ListBoxItems property on our view model or class matches the expected data.

If the listbox is properly populated from the SQL server, this test should pass.