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One way to suppress certain details sections on specific pages in Crystal Reports is to use the "Suppress" formula in the Section Expert. Here are the steps:

  1. Right-click on the section you want to suppress (e.g. Details Section 3) and select "Section Expert".

  2. In the Section Expert, click on the "Suppress" checkbox.

  3. Click on the "X-2" button next to the Suppress checkbox to open the formula editor.

  4. In the formula editor, enter a formula to determine which pages to suppress the section on. For example, if you want to suppress Details Section 3 on pages 2, 4, and 6, enter the following formula:

    if Pagenumber in [2, 4, 6] then true else false

  5. Click "Save and Close" to close the formula editor.

  6. Click "OK" to close the Section Expert.

  7. Preview the report and verify that Details Section 3 is only suppressed on the specified pages.