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You can use the Resize method present in the MagickImage class to zoom an image in Magick.Net. This method resizes an image by allowing you to specify the new dimensions of the image.

Here's an example code that uses the Resize method to zoom an image by 2 times:

using (var image = new MagickImage("input.jpg"))
    int newWidth = image.Width * 2; // Double the width
    int newHeight = image.Height * 2; // Double the height

    image.Resize(newWidth, newHeight);

    // Save the zoomed image

In this example, the MagickImage object is created with the input image input.jpg. The new dimensions of the image are calculated by doubling the width and height of the original image. The Resize method is then called with the new dimensions, which zooms the image by 2 times. Finally, the zoomed image is saved as output.jpg.