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There are several ways to create a video file of a Flutter animation:

  1. Use screen recording software: Record your animation using screen recording software like OBS, Camtasia or QuickTime. You can save the recorded video as a file and edit it as needed.

  2. Use the Flutter video library: You could use Flutter's video library to capture and record your animation. You can then save the video as a file and use a video editing software to edit it.

  3. Use animation to video library: Another option is to use the animation to video library which converts a Flutter animation to a video file. Flutteranimationexporter is a popular package that exports a Flutter animation as a video file. This library can be highly customizable and also has features to adjust frame rate, resolution, and aspect ratio.

  4. Use a third-party screen recording app: You could use a third-party screen recording app that records the screen and saves it as a video file. Some examples of such apps are AZ Screen Recorder, DU Recorder and Screen Recorder & Video Editor.

Overall, there are many options to create a video of a Flutter animation, and the best one depends on your specific needs and goals.