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There are a few solutions you can try:

  1. Restart the emulator and try again.

  2. Update the emulator image to the latest version. You can do this by opening the Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager, selecting the emulator and clicking on the "Download" link next to the image.

  3. Create a new emulator with the latest version. You can do this by opening the AVD Manager, clicking on "Create Virtual Device" and selecting the device you want to emulate.

  4. Check if your emulator settings match with the requirements of the updated SDK. You can do this by opening the AVD Manager, selecting the emulator and clicking on the "Edit" button. Make sure the target API level matches the updated SDK version.

  5. If none of the above solutions work, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the emulator. This may help resolve any compatibility issues between the emulator and the updated SDK.