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You can use Hugo's built-in if statement and its with modifier to conditionally display multiple sections in your templates. Here's an example:

{{ if .Params.showSectionOne }}
  <div class="section-one">
    <!-- your section one content here -->
{{ end }}

{{ if .Params.showSectionTwo }}
  <div class="section-two">
    <!-- your section two content here -->
{{ end }}

In this example, we're checking the value of two boolean parameters (showSectionOne and showSectionTwo) to determine whether or not to display each section. If the parameter is true, the corresponding section is displayed. If the parameter is false, the section is not displayed.

You can adjust this code to fit your specific needs. For example, you could use a different type of conditional statement (such as if eq or if ne) to check for specific values rather than boolean parameters.