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There are several ways to utilize a single database for two separate projects:

  1. Use a common schema: Create a common database schema that both projects can use. This approach allows both projects to share the same data structure and reduce data mapping complexities.

  2. Use different tables: Use different tables for each project to store their own data. This approach requires careful planning to ensure the tables do not conflict with each other.

  3. Use views: Create different views of the data that each project can use to access only the information they need. This approach can be useful when both projects require access to the same data, but with different filters.

  4. Use stored procedures: Create stored procedures that encapsulate business logic and data access for both projects. This approach can help ensure consistency and improve performance.

  5. Use a data integration tool: Use a data integration tool like ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) to extract, transform and load data between the two projects. This approach allows the separate systems to remain separate, while still sharing data.