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This error occurs when a widget tries to access the state of a parent widget before the parent widget has finished initializing its state.

The initState() method is called when a stateful widget is first created, and it is where you can initialize any state or subscribe to any streams or future tasks needed for the widget. If you call inheritFromWidgetOfExactType() or inheritFromElement() before initState() has finished executing, it will throw this error.

To fix this error, make sure that you don't call any methods that depend on the state of a parent widget until after the parent widget has finished initializing its state. You can use the WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback() method to execute a callback function after the widget has finished building, which can then safely access the parent state.

Alternatively, you can move the code that depends on the parent state to a later lifecycle method like didChangeDependencies() or build() once the parent widget has finished building.