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JavaScript can be used to analyze the hash or fragment identifier portion of a URL by accessing the "location" object in the browser's DOM (Document Object Model). The location object contains various properties that can be used to extract information about the URL, including the hash or fragment identifier.

To access the hash or fragment identifier, you can use the "hash" property of the location object. For example, the following code will extract the hash portion of the current URL:

var hash = window.location.hash;

Once you have the hash or fragment identifier, you can manipulate it using various JavaScript string manipulation methods or regex patterns. For example, you could extract specific values from the hash or perform conditional logic based on its contents.

Here's an example that uses the hash to determine which section of a web page to display:

var hash = window.location.hash;
if (hash === '#about') {
  // show the "about" section of the web page
} else if (hash === '#contact') {
  // show the "contact" section of the web page
} else {
  // show the default section of the web page

Overall, JavaScript provides a powerful set of tools for analyzing and manipulating URLs, including the hash or fragment identifier.