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There could be several reasons why SQLite3 is interpreting your input as a column instead of a value:

  1. The syntax of your SQL statement may be incorrect, which is causing SQLite3 to misinterpret your input as a column. Make sure that your SQL statement follows the correct syntax and that you are not mistakenly specifying a column name where a value should be.

  2. You may be using a reserved keyword as a column name. SQLite3 has a list of reserved keywords that cannot be used as column names, and if you use one of these keywords, it will be interpreted as a column instead of a value.

  3. You may have accidentally quoted your value with single or double quotes, which is causing SQLite3 to interpret it as a column name. Make sure that you are using the correct quotes and that they are properly placed around your value.

  4. Your input data may be in the wrong format for the column you are trying to insert into. For example, if you are trying to insert a string into a numeric column, SQLite3 may interpret it as a column instead of a value.

To avoid these issues, always double-check your SQL syntax, choose appropriate column names, use proper quoting, and ensure that your data is in the correct format for the columns you are trying to insert into.