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One way to place a tkinter textbox in the bottom right corner of a window is to use the place method with the anchor and relx/rely options.

Here is an example code snippet:

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

# create a textbox
textbox = tk.Text(root, height=10, width=50)

# place the textbox in the bottom right corner, rely=1.0, anchor='se')


Explanation: - The relx=1.0 option sets the horizontal position of the textbox to be at the right edge of the window, as a percentage of the window width (1.0 means 100%). - The rely=1.0 option sets the vertical position of the textbox to be at the bottom edge of the window, as a percentage of the window height (1.0 means 100%). - The anchor='se' option sets the reference point of the textbox to be the bottom right corner of its bounding box (i.e., the opposite corner from where it starts).