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The "FileNotFoundException - Could not load customSSLProfiles from file path" error message in WSO2 EI 6.5.0 indicates that the SSL profile file could not be found at the specified location. This error can be resolved by following these steps:

  1. Verify that the SSL profile file exists at the specified location. If the file is not found, check the file path specified in the configuration.

  2. Ensure that the SSL profile file has the correct format and contains valid certificate and key information.

  3. Check the permissions on the SSL profile file and verify that the user running the WSO2 EI server has read access to the file.

  4. If using a custom SSL profile, make sure that the SSL profile file is referenced correctly in the configuration. The SSL profile file path should be specified in the axis2.xml file.

  5. Restart the WSO2 EI server after making any changes to the SSL profile file or configuration.

If the error persists, contact WSO2 support for further assistance.