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There could be a number of reasons why your CodePipeline pipeline is not being triggered by your CloudWatch Event rule. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Incorrect event pattern: Ensure that the event pattern specified in your CloudWatch Event rule matches the event structure of the events that you want to trigger your pipeline.

  2. Incorrect IAM permissions: Ensure that your IAM role associated with the pipeline has the necessary permissions to access the resources referenced in the event.

  3. Not configuring a target: Ensure that you have specified a target for your CloudWatch Event rule that is the CodePipeline pipeline.

  4. Target is in a suspended state: Check if the target CodePipeline pipeline is in a suspended state. If so, unsuspend it to enable the triggering of the pipeline.

  5. Not enabling the event rule: Check that the event rule is enabled.

  6. Wrong region: Make sure that both your CloudWatch Event rule and your CodePipeline pipeline are in the same AWS region.

  7. No events are being generated: Verify that the event source is generating events.