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Here are the steps to utilize Keda Scaledobjects to deploy Azure functions on AKS:

  1. Setup AKS Cluster: Before you can deploy Azure functions, you need to set up an AKS cluster. You can use the Azure portal or the Azure CLI to create a cluster.

  2. Install Keda: The first step is to install Keda on your AKS cluster. You can use Helm to install Keda on your cluster.

  3. Create Azure Function App: You can create an Azure Function App through the Azure portal.

  4. Create ScaledObject: The next step is to create a ScaledObject that specifies the scale rules for the Function App. The ScaledObject should define the minimum and maximum number of replicas and the metric based on which the scaling should happen.

  5. Deploy ScaledObject: You can deploy the ScaledObject using kubectl apply command.

  6. Test Scaling: Finally, you can test if the scaling is working by sending requests to the Azure Function App and monitoring the number of replicas created by Keda.

With the above steps, you can utilize Keda Scaledobjects to deploy Azure functions on AKS.