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To superimpose two seaborn density plots, you can use the sns.kdeplot() method with the shade=True parameter for each plot. Here's an example:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data1 = sns.load_dataset("iris").loc[:, "sepal_length"]
data2 = sns.load_dataset("iris").loc[:, "sepal_width"]

sns.kdeplot(data1, shade=True)
sns.kdeplot(data2, shade=True)

This will plot two density plots for the sepal_length and sepal_width columns of the iris dataset on the same plot. The shade=True parameter fills in the area under the curve with color, making it easier to see the overlap between the two plots.

You can also customize the plot by setting the colors and labels for each plot, adjusting the axis limits, and adding a legend.