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There could be several reasons why environment variables are not being loaded from the dotenv file:

  1. File Location: The dotenv file may not be located in the root directory of the project, which is where it is expected to be. Make sure that the file is in the correct directory.

  2. Name Issues: The dotenv file name may not match the expected name. By default, dotenv looks for a .env file. If the file is named differently, dotenv may not be able to load the file.

  3. Syntax Errors: Check for syntax errors in the dotenv file. Make sure that the variables are correctly defined with no syntax errors.

  4. File Encoding: Make sure the encoding of the dotenv file is set to UTF-8. If the encoding is different, dotenv may not be able to load the file.

  5. Dependencies: Check that the dependencies required to use dotenv are installed and up to date.

  6. Environment Issues: Make sure that you are running the application in the correct environment. If the environment is not set correctly, dotenv may not be able to load the file.