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Without knowing the specific error or issue, it is difficult to provide a specific solution. However, here are some general tips for debugging small calculator programs in C:

  1. Check your input: Make sure you are passing the correct types of data to your functions, such as integers or floats. Also, ensure that you are not dividing by zero or taking the square root of negative numbers.

  2. Check your code logic: Make sure your code calculations are accurate and follow the correct order of operations. Double-check all your extra parentheses and brackets as well.

  3. Use printf statements: Adding printf statements to your code can help you identify where any issues may be arising. Print out the results of intermediate calculations or user input to make sure they are correct.

  4. Use a debugger: Debuggers can help you track down errors by allowing you to step through your code and view the values of variables at each step. Using a debugger can help identify the exact location of any issues in your code.

By following these tips and taking a careful, iterative approach to fixing any issues, you should be able to get your calculator program up and running correctly.