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The error 504 (Outdated Optimize Dep) typically indicates that there is a problem with the build dependencies of your project. Here are a few steps that you can follow to resolve the issue:

  1. Check your dependencies: Make sure that you have the latest versions of all your dependencies installed. Run the following command to update your dependencies:
npm update
  1. Clear your cache: Use the following command to clear your cache:
npm cache clean --force
  1. Delete the nodemodules folder: Run the following command to delete the nodemodules folder:
rm -rf node_modules
  1. Reinstall dependencies: Run the following command to reinstall your dependencies:
npm install
  1. Restart the server: After completing the steps above, restart your server and see if the issue has been resolved. Use the following command to restart your server:
npm run dev

If none of the steps above resolve the issue, you may need to seek help from the react-vite community or the maintainers of the library you are using.