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To animate the path traversal in Shape-Shifter, follow these steps:

  1. Draw the path: Use the "Pen Tool" to draw the desired path, or import it from Adobe Illustrator.

  2. Create the shape: Create the shape you want to animate, or import it from Adobe Illustrator.

  3. Connect the shape to the path: Use the "Path Selection Tool" to select the shape, click on the path, and then use the "Attach Path" button in the Shape-Shifter toolbar to connect the shape to the path.

  4. Set the start and end points: Drag the shape along the path to set the start and end points of the animation.

  5. Animate the traversal: Use the "Interpolation" feature in the Shape-Shifter toolbar to animate the traversal of the shape along the path. You can set the speed, easing, and direction of the animation.

  6. Preview and export: Preview the animation and make any necessary adjustments. Finally, export the animation as a GIF, SVG, or CSS code.

That's how you can create an animation of path traversal in Shape-Shifter!