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Here are some ways to prevent memory leaks when releasing unique_ptr from C++ to C:

  1. Use raw pointers for C functions: Instead of passing uniqueptr directly to C functions, create a raw pointer and use that for the function call. This way, the uniqueptr remains responsible for the memory management and the raw pointer is only used temporarily for the C function call.

  2. Create a custom deleter for uniqueptr: A custom deleter can be used to free memory in a customized manner. If the custom deleter is set up correctly, the memory will get freed automatically when the uniqueptr goes out of scope.

  3. Use smart pointers in C too: If the C code supports smart pointers, then it can be beneficial to use them instead of raw pointers. This will ensure that the memory is always managed correctly, no matter what direction the data flows in.

  4. Use containers: Containers like std::vector and std::array can be used to store the data in a smart way. This way, memory leaks can be avoided by using the standard container classes instead of allocating memory manually.