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Yes, PowerShell can be used to efficiently utilize CSV as a reference table. PowerShell has built-in cmdlets like Import-Csv and Export-Csv for handling CSV files. These cmdlets make it easy to read and write data to and from CSV files.

To use a CSV file as a reference table, you can use the Import-Csv cmdlet to load the CSV file into memory as an array of objects. You can then use PowerShell commands like Where-Object and Group-Object to filter and group the data as needed.

For example, if you have a CSV file containing a list of products with their prices and you want to calculate the total price of all the products in a certain category, you can use the following PowerShell code:

$products = Import-Csv "C:\path\to\products.csv"

$totalPrice = ($products | Where-Object {$_.Category -eq "Electronics"} | Measure-Object -Property Price -Sum).Sum

Write-Host "Total price of Electronics products: $totalPrice"

This code first loads the CSV file into the $products variable using Import-Csv. It then filters the products by the "Electronics" category using Where-Object and calculates the total price using Measure-Object. Finally, it outputs the total price to the console using Write-Host.