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The "undefined is not a function" error in react-native-paper-dates can occur when using multiple dates and reopening the DatePickerModal. This error usually occurs when the reference to the function is lost due to component unmounting or lack of proper event handling.

To fix this error, you can try the following solutions:

  1. Use useCallback to memoize the function and retain its reference:
const handleSelect = useCallback((dates) => {
   // code to handle selected dates
}, []);
  1. Bind the function in the constructor to retain its reference:
constructor(props) {
   this.handleSelect = this.handleSelect.bind(this);

handleSelect(dates) {
   // code to handle selected dates
  1. Check if the function reference exists before calling it:
if (typeof handleSelect === "function") {

By implementing any of these solutions, you should be able to handle the "undefined is not a function" error when using multiple dates and reopening the DatePickerModal in react-native-paper-dates.