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There could be several reasons why the "xcodebuild" command resulted in error code 65 while building an iOS project. Some common reasons include:

  1. Code signing issues: Xcode may fail to build the project if there are issues with the code signing settings. Double-check the code signing identities and provisioning profiles associated with the project.

  2. Missing dependencies: If the project includes third-party frameworks or libraries, make sure they are included in the project and properly linked.

  3. A corrupted Xcode project: Occasionally, Xcode projects can become corrupted and cause build failures. Try creating a new Xcode project and copying the source files and resources to it.

  4. Conflicts with system or Xcode updates: Updating the operating system or Xcode software can sometimes cause conflicts with the build process. Check for any known issues or updates that may resolve the problem.

  5. Build settings issues: If the build settings are not configured correctly, Xcode may fail to build the project. Double-check the project settings and make sure they are set up correctly.

To resolve the error, try addressing the specific issue causing the build failure. You may also try cleaning the project by selecting "Product" from the Xcode menu, then "Clean Build Folder". If the issue persists, consult the Xcode documentation or seek help from the developer community.