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There could be several reasons why the Axios Interceptors response is not functioning properly when catching errors in React JS:

  1. Incorrect Implementation: The implementation of the Interceptors response could be incorrect, resulting in the error not being caught as expected. Double-check the code and make sure it follows the correct structure.

  2. Improper Error Handling: If the error handling is not done properly, then the Interceptors response may not work as expected. Make sure that the error handling code is catching all possible errors and returning the correct error response.

  3. Wrongly placed Interceptors: If the Interceptors are placed in the wrong part of the application, then they might not work as expected. Make sure that they are placed correctly in the application where all requests can be intercepted and handled.

  4. Network or Server Issues: If there are network or server issues, it can cause the response to not function properly. Check the network and server logs to identify any issues with the connection.

  5. Incorrect Data Format: The data format may be incorrect or not matching the expected format, causing the response to not function properly. Make sure that the format of the data is correct and matches what is expected by the Interceptors.