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There are several ways to use Lat and Long in BigQuery to identify the continent, country, city, and suburb. One way is to use geospatial functions and datasets. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a table with the Lat and Long data.

  2. Use the ST_GeogPoint function to create a geography data type from the latitude and longitude coordinates.

  3. Use the ST_Contains function to match the geography data type with a geography dataset that contains the boundaries of the continent, country, city, and suburb.

  4. Use SQL JOIN statements to merge the Lat and Long table with the geography dataset table.

  5. Use SQL SELECT statements to extract the geospatial information that you need, such as the continent, country, city, and suburb.

Here are some geospatial datasets that you can use:

  • Natural Earth: Contains boundaries of continents, countries, and cities at various levels of detail.
  • OpenStreetMap: Contains detailed information about streets, buildings, and landmarks for many cities and countries.
  • Geonames: Contains information about populated places, such as cities and towns, as well as administrative regions, such as states and counties.

Note that some geospatial datasets may require additional processing or preparation before you can use them in BigQuery. Also, geospatial analysis can be resource-intensive, so make sure to optimize your queries and consider using a more powerful server or cluster if necessary.