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The validation process of a checkbox form refers to the process of ensuring that the checkboxes are correctly filled in and that the entered data conforms to the required format. The process includes the following steps:

  1. Check for mandatory fields: The validation process starts by checking if all the mandatory fields in the form have been filled or not. If any mandatory field is left empty, the user is notified to fill it.

  2. Check for correct data format: The validation process checks if the entered data is in the correct format. For example, if the checkbox is for a phone number, the validation should check if the input is a valid phone number with no invalid characters like letters.

  3. Check for validation rules: The process of validation entails checking if the data meets certain validation rules. For example, if there is a checkbox for age, the validation process checks if the input is within the valid range.

  4. Display error messages: If the validation process fails, the form displays an error message indicating the field that needs correction.

In summary, the validation process of a checkbox form involves validating the entered data and checking for errors, ensuring that the data entered is in the correct format and meets the validation rules.