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initial version
  1. First, create a HTML form with the necessary fields and submit button.

  2. Create a PHP script that will process the form data once it is submitted.

  3. Create a drop down menu using HTML and populate it with different options.

  4. Use the "GET" method in the HTML form tag to pass the selected option from the drop down menu to the PHP script.

  5. In the PHP script, use the "isset" function to check if a value has been passed from the drop down menu.

  6. If a value has been passed, use the "header" function to redirect the user to the appropriate form using the "Location" parameter.

For example, if the value "form1" was selected from the drop down menu, the PHP script would redirect the user to the form1.php page using the following code:

if(isset($_GET['form'])) { 
  $formName = $_GET['form']; 
  if($formName == 'form1') { 
    header("Location: form1.php"); 
  1. Repeat step 6 for each option in the drop down menu, redirecting the user to the appropriate form.