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To use the Xbee modules with two Raspberry Pi devices to transfer digital data, follow these steps:

  1. Connect the Xbee module to each Raspberry Pi device. This can be done by plugging the Xbee module into the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi or using a USB adapter.

  2. Configure the Xbee modules with the same network settings. This includes setting the PAN ID and the channel. This can be done using the Xbee Configuration software.

  3. Write a program in Python on each Raspberry Pi device to read and send data through the Xbee module. This can be done using the PySerial library to communicate with the Xbee module.

  4. Connect a sensor or device to one of the Raspberry Pi devices to collect data. This can be any digital device or sensor such as a temperature sensor or a motion sensor.

  5. Transmit the data over the Xbee module to the other Raspberry Pi device. This can be done by sending the data through the serial port and transmitting it over the network using the Xbee module.

  6. Receive the data on the other Raspberry Pi device and process it. This can be done by receiving the data through the Xbee module and then processing it using Python code.

  7. Display the data on a screen or device. This can be done by connecting a display or output device to the Raspberry Pi device to display the received data.

By following these steps, you can use Xbee modules to transfer digital data between two Raspberry Pi devices.