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The process of segregating environments using the main module approach in Terraform involves creating a separate Terraform configuration file for each environment (e.g. staging, production, etc.) and storing them in separate directories.

Each environment configuration file ( should define the resources and modules specific to that particular environment. However, to ensure consistency across environments, a main module can be created to house common resources and modules that are shared across all environments.

The main module should be defined in a separate directory that is outside of the environment-specific directories. The environment directories should reference the main module using a module block in the respective files.

For example, the directory structure might look like:


Then, the file in the staging directory would declare the main module as follows:

module "main" {
  source = "../main-module"

And the file in the production directory would do the same:

module "main" {
  source = "../main-module"

This helps to ensure consistency across environments by sharing common resources and modules while still allowing for environment-specific configuration.