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There could be several reasons why the Android Studio layout preview is not displaying once MaterialCalendarView has been added. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. Missing dependencies: MaterialCalendarView may require additional dependencies that you haven't added to your project. Check your build.gradle file to ensure that you have included all the necessary dependencies.

  2. XML errors: There may be errors in your XML layout file that are preventing the layout preview from displaying. Check for any red error messages in the XML editor and fix them.

  3. Build errors: If there are build errors in your project, the layout preview may not be able to be displayed. Fix any build errors and try again.

  4. Theme issues: MaterialCalendarView may require a specific theme to be set in your app. Check the documentation to see if this is the case and update your theme accordingly.

  5. Android Studio issues: There may be issues with Android Studio itself. Try restarting Android Studio or clearing the cache and restarting the IDE.