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To apply SUMIF formula to a table displaying exclusively filtered information, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell where you want to display the sum.
  2. Type the SUMIF formula: =SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range), where:
  3. Range: is the range of cells from where you want to evaluate the criteria (e.g., A2:A10).
  4. Criteria: is the criteria you want to use to determine which cells to add (e.g., ">5").
  5. Sum_range: is the range of cells that you want to add (e.g., B2:B10).
  6. Instead of manually typing the range, criteria, and sum_range, you can use the cell references to make the formula dynamic.
  7. To apply this formula to filtered information, make sure that your range, criteria, and sum range refer to the same column or you can also use the same filtering criteria used in the table to sum only the visible cells.
  8. Press enter to complete the formula and the sum will appear in the selected cell.

Note: If you change the filter criteria or add new data to the table, you need to update the SUMIF formula accordingly.