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There could be several reasons why your app is crashing when using INotifyPropertyChanged. Some common reasons include:

  1. Null reference exceptions: This can happen when the property you are trying to bind to is null.

  2. Invalid cast exceptions: This can happen if you are trying to bind to a type that is not compatible with the target property.

  3. Access violations: This can happen if you are trying to access a property from a different thread than the one it was created on.

To incorporate the update feature of x:Bind, you need to make sure that the source object implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. You also need to set the Mode property of the binding to TwoWay, which means that changes to the source will be reflected in the target and vice versa.

Here's an example of how to use x:Bind with INotifyPropertyChanged:

<TextBlock Text="{x:Bind ViewModel.Title,Mode=TwoWay}" />

In this example, the ViewModel object has a Title property that implements INotifyPropertyChanged. The Mode property is set to TwoWay, which means that changes to the Title property will be reflected in the TextBlock and vice versa.