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To obtain the hostname of the caller in WCF, you can use the OperationContext class that holds information about the runtime context of the current operation.

  1. Firstly, add the reference to the System.ServiceModel namespace.

  2. Within your WCF service implementation, obtain the current OperationContext by calling the static OperationContext.Current method.

  3. Access the IncomingMessageProperties property of the OperationContext to get the request message properties.

  4. Use the RemoteEndpointMessageProperty property of the IncomingMessageProperties to get the IP address and port number of the client in the form of a RemoteEndpointMessageProperty object.

  5. Finally, use the RemoteEndpointMessageProperty.Address property of the RemoteEndpointMessageProperty object to obtain the hostname of the client.

Here's an example code snippet that shows how to obtain the hostname of the client in WCF:

using System.ServiceModel;

// Your WCF service implementation
public class MyService : IMyService
    public void MyMethod()
        // Obtain the current OperationContext
        OperationContext context = OperationContext.Current;

        // Get the request message properties
        MessageProperties properties = context.IncomingMessageProperties;

        // Get the client's IP address and port number
        RemoteEndpointMessageProperty endpoint = properties[RemoteEndpointMessageProperty.Name] as RemoteEndpointMessageProperty;

        // Get the hostname of the client
        string hostname = endpoint.Address;