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The outcome of fulfilled promises can be utilized to execute more asynchronous calls by:

  1. Chaining Promises: By chaining promises, we can execute asynchronous calls in a sequence where each call is dependent upon the outcome of the previous call.

  2. Using Promises.all: Promises.all allows us to execute multiple asynchronous calls in parallel and wait for all the promises to be fulfilled before executing the next set of calls.

  3. Using async/await: async/await allows us to write asynchronous code in a synchronous style, making it easier to read and understand. We can await the outcome of one promise before executing the next set of asynchronous calls.

In all cases, the outcome of the fulfilled promises is used to determine the next set of asynchronous calls to be executed. This helps in writing more efficient and optimized code by minimizing the time spent waiting for the results of one promise before executing the next.