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There are a few steps you can take to try and resolve an import error related to mglearn:

  1. Make sure that you have installed mglearn on your Python environment. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

    pip install mglearn
  2. Check the spelling of the package name. The package name should be spelled as "mglearn" and not "MGLearn" or "mg learn".

  3. Make sure that you are importing the package correctly. The correct way to import mglearn is:

    import mglearn
  4. Check if there are any other packages that mglearn depends on that may not be installed on your environment. You can check the list of dependencies on the mglearn PyPI page.

  5. If you are still having issues, try uninstalling and reinstalling the package:

    pip uninstall mglearn
    pip install mglearn
  6. Finally, if none of the above steps work, try restarting your Python environment and running your code again.