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There could be several reasons why an error occurs when trying to cross-compile IPOPT for the ARM64 architecture. Some common reasons include:

  1. Missing dependencies - IPOPT may require certain libraries or packages to be installed for successful cross-compilation. Make sure you have all necessary dependencies installed.

  2. Incorrect toolchain - You need to use a cross-compiling toolchain specifically designed for ARM64 architecture. Make sure you have the right toolchain installed and configured correctly.

  3. Incorrect configure options - When cross-compiling, you need to provide configure options specific to the target architecture. Make sure you have configured IPOPT with the correct options.

  4. Outdated version - Make sure you have the latest version of IPOPT that supports cross-compilation for ARM64 architecture.

To fix the error, you need to identify the cause and address it accordingly. Check the error message for more information to help you troubleshoot the issue.