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The format of an array created in WooCommerce can be altered by using PHP functions to manipulate the array.

Some possible ways to alter the format of an array are:

  1. Reorder the elements of the array using the arrayreverse() or arrayflip() function.
  2. Filter the elements of the array using the arrayfilter() or arraymap() function.
  3. Add or remove elements of the array using the arraypush() or arraypop() function.
  4. Change the keys of the array using the arraykeys() or arraycombine() function.
  5. Merge two or more arrays using the arraymerge() or arraymerge_recursive() function.

Here is an example of how to alter the format of an array in WooCommerce by filtering the elements using the array_filter() function:

$order_items = wc_get_order_items( $order_id );

// Filter the order item array to remove non-product items
$product_items = array_filter( $order_items, function( $item ) {
    return $item->get_type() === 'line_item';

// Print the product items array for debugging
print_r( $product_items );

In this example, the wcgetorderitems() function returns an array of order items for a given order ID. However, this array may include other types of items besides products, such as shipping or tax items. To filter out these non-product items, we use the arrayfilter() function with a callback function that checks the type of each item using the gettype() method. The resulting $productitems array only contains the product line items.