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The Mongoose findByIdAndUpdate method can be used to update and toggle Boolean values in a database. Here's an example of how to use this method:

Model.findByIdAndUpdate(id, { $not: { booleanValue: booleanValue } }, { new: true })
  .then(updatedData => console.log(updatedData))
  .catch(error => console.log(error));

In this example, Model is the Mongoose model for the collection containing the data to be updated, id is the unique identifier of the document to be updated, booleanValue is the current value of the Boolean field to be toggled, and { $not: { booleanValue: booleanValue } } is a MongoDB query that toggles the value of booleanValue.

The { new: true } option ensures that the updated document is returned, which can be useful for displaying the updated data in the application.

Note that if the booleanValue field is named differently in your database, you will need to replace it with the appropriate field name in the query.