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To retain the input given to a generator, you can use the yield keyword to return the input value from the generator function along with any other values generated by the function. Here's an example:

def my_generator_function(input_value):
    # do some processing with input_value
    output_value = input_value * 2
    # yield the input value and the output value
    yield input_value, output_value

# create a generator object by calling the generator function with an input value
generator = my_generator_function(3)

# iterate over the generator object to get the input and output values
for input_value, output_value in generator:
    print("Input value:", input_value)
    print("Output value:", output_value)

In this example, the generator function my_generator_function takes an input value input_value, processes it to generate an output value output_value, and yields both values using the yield keyword. The generator object returned by the function can then be iterated over to retrieve the input and output values.