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To retrieve a particular value from an array that has been provided as a parameter, the function can use array indexing to access the element at the desired index. For example, if the function is looking for the value at index 2 of the array, it can use the syntax array[2] to retrieve it.

Here's an example function that retrieves the value at a specified index of an array:

function getValueAtIndex(array, index) {
  return array[index];

In this function, array is the array parameter and index is the index of the value to retrieve. The function uses array indexing to return the value at the specified index.

To use this function, you would pass in an array and an index as arguments, like so:

const myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const value = getValueAtIndex(myArray, 2); // returns 3

In this example, getValueAtIndex is called with myArray and 2 as arguments. The function retrieves the value at index 2 of myArray (which is 3) and returns it as the value variable.