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There could be several reasons why you are seeing a blank page in your React application.

Here are some common solutions that you can try:

  1. Check your code for errors: Make sure there are no syntax errors, missing or incorrect imports, or missing components.

  2. Check your console for errors: Open the console and check for any errors that might be causing the page to render incorrectly.

  3. Make sure you are rendering the correct component: Check if the correct component is being rendered in your main index.js file.

  4. Check your routing: Make sure your routes are correctly set up in your App.js file and that the correct component is being rendered for each route.

  5. Clear your cache: Sometimes, the browser cache can cause issues. Try clearing your browser's cache and reloading the page.

  6. Check if you have any CSS conflicts: Check if any CSS styles are conflicting, causing the page to render incorrectly.

If none of these solutions work, you can try asking for help on other forums or seeking help from a React expert or mentor.