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There are a few ways to turn off the automatic running of Jest test runner within the Visual Studio Code editor:

  1. Disable the Jest extension: If you have the Jest extension installed, you can disable it from the Extensions panel in the sidebar. Simply click on the extension and click the Disable button.

  2. Configure the Jest extension: If you still want to use the Jest extension but want to disable automatic test runner, you can configure the settings. Go to File > Preferences > Settings and search for "Jest". Then, uncheck the "Jest: Auto Run" checkbox.

  3. Remove the Jest configuration from your project: If you're using a project-specific configuration for Jest, you can remove it to disable automatic test runner. Remove the "jest" section from your package.json file or delete the jest.config.js file.

  4. Use a different editor or terminal: If you don't want to use the Visual Studio Code editor for running tests, you can use a different editor or terminal to run the tests manually. Simply navigate to your project directory and run the "npm test" or "yarn test" command in the terminal.